Thoughts on Student Government Association

One thing is for sure – the Student Government Association (SGA) at Illinois State University is a huge time commitment. While this was my first time sitting in on an SGA meeting, I could already identify that each student senator WANTS to be there. What I mean by this is that the SGA is not a blow-off club on campus. You don’t just pay your dues and show up to half of the meetings so you can add it to your resume. The student senators were fully invested in the meeting. I found out from the meeting that each senator has to attend so many events on campus each month and not miss any of their weekly meetings. Failure to do so results in you getting kicked out – no if’s, and’s or but’s. Even being a student senator isn’t easy; you need to be elected to a position. No one “just joined.” Honestly, I’m glad we have a group of students that take so much time out of their days to put so much effort into being a student senator. I feel comfortable knowing we have students on campus dedicated to sharing our voice to the community and ISU administration.

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